Friday, December 30, 2011

History of Gaming pt 3 - RPGs

I began role-playing back in high school. This is probably the oldest form of “geek” gaming: PnP RPG, Pen and Paper Role-Playing Game.
A couple friends would get together during lunch, study hall, or after school and play D&D (Dungeons and Dragons). I like Elves so 99% of the time I play as an Elf. I’m broadening my experiences and playing something other than an Elf right now: a Half-Elf (baby steps).
The most notable time was when we went to a State Park and were playing on a table in one of the picnic areas. About an hour in a Park Ranger comes up and tells us they had reports that a group of teenagers were plotting to kill people. He got a chuckle out of it when he saw that we were playing D&D and just asked us to be quieter so others around us didn’t hear.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

History of Gaming pt 2 - Warhammer

I started playing Warhammer 40k in 2004 as my buddy living next door to me in the dorms (I was military at the time) started playing it with some guys in his shop. It was 4th edition at the time and, after reading the fluff (the background story) of all the armies, decided Necrons were my favorite and I initially wanted to play them but my buddy did too and I like variety. I didn’t see Orks played at the LGS much at the time so I chose them. He started off with the Necrons and I built a Speed Freaks Ork army.
After we got out of the dorms we lived together with a couple other guys in a house I bought and my friend soon stopped playing. So I got the Necrons off him as part of the rent and built them up to a full army.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

History of Gaming pt1 - Magic: the Gathering

I began playing Magic only a year and a half ago. I’d always been interested in the game but it was taboo in the village I grew up in. A friend of mine and his little sister were attacked and repeatedly stabbed by their older brother. The rumor going around was that he had lost a game of Magic against my friend and went crazy because of it. Whatever the real reason Magic became banned in the school and in public so no one played it.
Once I grew up I realized how much money would be needed to play competitively so I decided to wait until I was financially stable enough to afford it. I spent years buying and building up my Warhammer stuff. Finally in 2010 I figured I was pretty much done buying that so I was ready to start Magic.

New blog

I will be updating this blog semi monthly with posts about my gaming life. I play and judge Magic: The Gathering & Warhammer 40,000. I also play Warhammer Fantasy & Pathfinder. I will be DMing another Pathfinder game starting in the next couple months and play lots of RPG & action video games so there will be more posts about that in the future.
So stay tuned as I'll have a couple big posts to start out with to get everyone caught up on my gaming life.