Friday, January 20, 2012

New Project

So much like all my friends and fellow wargamers at Segmentum North, I am setting a project goal for myself.

That's my Warhammer Fantasy Warriors of Chaos army, newly primed and soon ready to paint. That's right, I'm actually going to paint something. My goal is to have this army fully painted, based and flocked to tournament standards to include shading, highlighting, extra details, flocked bases, and minor conversions. The units yet to be purchased are a Daemon Prince (going to be an almost total conversion), a Hell Cannon, and a Giant. They are going to be worshipers of Nurgle so will have rusty metal armor and green details/highlights.

To overcome my usual intolerance for painting I have to distract myself by watching movies and TV shows I like. Basically I have to distract myself from the hated chore so I don't mind it as much. I think I'm also going to start painting during roleplaying sessions.

My goal is to have these guys done by the end of May.


  1. Yoder, I have a unit of Chaos Knights (NOS-metal)for you. It helps if you have someone to paint with....let me know I'm usually available.

  2. Yeah, I'd like to hang out and get some painting done. Plus pick up some tips.
    I work till 6:00 or 6:30 Monday through Thursday, and am gaming at the LGS on Saturdays, so those aren't good days. I only work till 4 on Fridays and not at all on Sundays so those would be good days.

    I got my Lord and Sorcerer mostly finished (base colors and washes) so they just need some drybrush highlights to be pretty much done. I also got my Chosen unit base-coated in black.
    I'm not basing anything yet, I'll do all that once the entire army is painted.
